Funny Stuff
Oct 14, 2023As I reflect on my joy journey, I’m getting flashes (thankfully not hot flashes 😊) of a few funnies that took place along the way.
And this is a big key to creating happiness---doing the very best you can to take your focus off the sadness and anxiety. I forced myself to find humor and laughter wherever I could. And most of the time, those funny things were… me. 😁
When I got my horse (after my panic attack), I took riding lessons on my pretty new boy.
I’d ridden as a little fourth grader, but never had lessons. Back then I led my quarter horse to the pump house, crawled up on the pumphouse, and then as eloquently as you can imagine, I slide off the pumphouse onto my big horse, and took off.
No lessons, just rode my horse.
So here I was, in my mid-50s, taking official fancy riding lessons.
During one lesson, I'd was ready to trot. So off we went. A lot of bouncing around was happening that I had no idea how to handle.
And apparently, I wasn’t appropriately appareled up…
This may be a bit TMI-ish (too much information), but I mistakenly wore an everyday bra. I wasn’t wearing the more appropriate non-bouncy sports bra.
Anyway, I’m smiling and happy on my big fella and bouncing along…
And one of my boobs decided it wanted to pop out and take a looksie at the new horsie. Luckily, she didn’t talk her twin sister into popping out, too. 😵
That boob is always causing trouble, tho.
But my horse didn’t care that one boob was now free-balling. He kept trotting along. I kept bouncing around… trying to hold the reins so I wouldn’t fall off, while holding my boob down, so it didn’t swing around and say hi to the rider behind me.
Finally, we stopped. I tucked away my boobsie. And all was fine.
But I laughed so hard, I pee-ed a little in my saddle.
Also, during my joy journey, I needed to “find” myself. I’ve always been a witty person, so I thought my calling was to be a comedian.
I’m really kinda funny sometimes. 😊
So, for about seven minutes, I was a comedian.
I wrote jokes and traveled to Orlando to a cute little open mike situation in a trendy little coffee house in an artsy part of Orlando (Winter Park). I wanted to go as far away as possible from home so I wouldn’t get on stage in front of anyone I knew. 😲
Being from Nashville, most of my jokes were based on my deep south upbringing. I wrote jokes about how noisy the ladies’ restroom is in Cracker Barrel, made fun of my southern relative’s names… Uncle Horace, Aint (aunt) Girlie, Boble (my g-maw’s name), Junie (my cousin). I poked fun at the love of my life… he gives me a lot of great material.
My comedy career didn’t take off.
And then there was the time that we were camping in St. Augustine, and I thought I saw Ben Affleck in an Airstream a coupla sites away from ours.
I’d walked to a thrift store across the street from the campground and as I was walking back, I saw Ben and a male friend smoking outside the fancy Airstream. Ben looked up at me, looked me dead in the eyes, and said hi. No women were around. Just Ben and another super cute male friend.
I went NUTS.
Of course, it might not have been Ben Affleck.. but it prolly was.
I Google stalked every-single-thing about Bennie and found out that Ben actually bought the Airstream that was used in his movie, The Accountant.
After reading that I was certain he decided to pack up his fancy, gorgeous, actor life, and take his Airstream on a road trip with his buddy, and spend some quality vacay time in the hustling city of St. Augustine, FL.
I pulled everyone into my stalker-ness. I was insane. I didn’t see him again, even after walking nonchalantly by his campsite a billion times, which is probably the reason he scee-daddled outta there… the thrift store lady was getting creepy.
But I did snap a picture of them as he drove out of the campground. 🙄
I crack myself up sometimes.
Such funny memories.
Of Ben Affleck. 😊
The reason for this post is that even in dire depression and anxiety, laughter is the best medicine.
We should try to laugh at ourselves more often… it’s so much better than crying (but a good cry can be cleansing, occasionally).
What can you do to create more laughter in your life?
Hey, thanks so much for sharing a few of your precious minutes with me.
Until next time…
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