I am a Storyteller... Oh, and a Screenwriter

Oct 22, 2023

Lately I've been really digging deep into my passion.

Actually, in my case... it's passions---I have several.

I'm sure if you really think about it... you have several passions as well.

But I'm not talking about the given passions... your children, spouse, grandchildren...

I'm talking about those things you are passionate about for yourself. Those things that give you that excited happy feeling when you think about doing them and those things that make you sad when you can't fit them in your busy life.

I believe our passions are sometimes, if not most times, squashed by our mental bullies... doubts, fear, feelings of not being good enough.

Or, our passions have become responsibilities and obligations and we no longer have passionate feelings about our passions.

Kinda deep, I know.

My mental bullies totally squashed my passions.

My deepest passion has always been writing.

My dad was a writer. He wrote short stories... a few were even published in magazines, he also wrote a novel.

But creativity can be intimidating to someone who doesn't feel they are good enough... which was me.

During my depression and anxiety filled days, I dreamt of writing and all the things I could write about. All the stories I'd created with my vivid imagination... that may or may not include real experiences in my life. 😘

My professional career was as a political and government consultant. I worked on all kinds of campaigns all over the state of Florida, and then moved into lobbying and consulting with local governments.

Many years ago, maybe twenty years-ish... a story began to craft itself in my imagination (based on some real experiences in my career) that combined women in politics and their personal lives as women in politics... the real politics, not the politics you see on the news.

A few years ago, I tried to write that story as a novel, like my beloved dad, but I just wasn't feeling it.

A friend of ours is part owner in a Hollywood filmmaking fund... my love suggested I turn my story into a television show.

I started researching screenwriting, downloaded a screenwriting computer program, and it clicked.

Right away, I knew I was doing what I was meant to do... write a television script.

As time has passed, my script gained interest and I was accepted into an exclusive Hollywood mentorship, fostered by an award winning television series writer.

Not long after, based on my script, I was accepted into a Sundance Collab master class.

Which lead to several script writing contests.

At first, entering the contests didn't go anywhere, but after rewriting my script through my mentorship and the Sundance masterclass... my script began to place in the contests I entered.

I haven't won any contests... yet, but my script has recently taken a back seat to my happiness empire. 😎

Then I started thinking... why should one of my deepest passions take a back seat to anything.

Nobody puts Baby in the corner. :-)

So I'm incorporating my creativity journey into my happiness journey.

I have now combined my writing and happiness passions and all of us we will move through this journey together.

A sassy, 60-year-old, screenwriter shouting happiness...

That's me. 😎   

Stay tuned, friends...

Hey, thanks for your interest and for giving me a few of your precious minutes.

Until next time...


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