That's My Story and I'm Stickin To It! 😀

Oct 13, 2023

First, WELCOME to my new and improved blog!

If you've know me for awhile, you've seen (and hopefully, read!, many of my blog posts of the couple of blogs I've started in the last ten years.

But, I really had no direction then. I would write about funny goings-on, or not-so-funny goings-on.

To me, I always felt it needed real purpose. 

Let me back up a bit...

Hi, my name is Daphnie Bercher. I'm a 60-year-old mommie of five grown babies and 14 grandbabies. 

I'm a screenwriter (I've developed a television show that you might see soon!), a blogger, content creator, online course developer, and a political/government consultant.

I do a lot of things and have a crap-ton of energy. 😎

But I wasn't always like this.

Depression and anxiety run rampant in my family's DNA. Back in the 60s and 70s, when I was a tot, the talk of depression and anxiety didn't really exist in the deep south, where I was born and raised. It was just life.

So as I matured, the depression and anxiety I had---I felt was just part of my life. I didn't question what was wrong with me or why I had problems with certain things. It just was what it was.

Then came peri-menopause... early peri-menopause for me. Mine began when I was 32 years old.

Freakin yikes. 

When menopause started to settle in, my gynecologist prescribed estrogen. And I was excited to take it... it changed my best friend's life!

But my depression and anxiety began to worsen.

My doctor's prescribed anti-depressants. They didn't work. My gynecologist upped my dosage of estrogen, then my doctor's changed my anti-depressants. Nothing worked. For three years I was on this prescription rollercoaster. Each time I hoped this would be the perfect chemical cocktail that would finally change my life.

But nothing worked. My depression and anxiety became debilitating. I was paralyzed... I didn't want to leave the house or get out of bed when I didn't have to. Family functions were a chore. Every-single-thing about everything was a worse case scenario. I was exhausted, gained a ton of weight, and I absolutely hated my life.

My doctor told me he was going to give me a diagnosis of bi-polar, and prescribe stronger medication.

For some reason, that was the bottom of my bottom. I learned that I body has an adverse chemical reaction to chemicals. My enzymes work differently than others... no wonder I could never get high from smoking weed. 🧐

I realized I had to figure something out on my own or my life would be threatened by my darkness. 

I tried several therapists, but that didn't work for me either.

And so I slowly began carving my own path to happiness. My self-created journey to joy began.

I spent the next seven years reading a million books, watching self-development videos on YouTube, listening to seminars... I tried meditation, and yoga. But mostly, I was successful at food therapy, spending-too-much therapy, yelling-at-everyone therapy... all things I had to overcome as well.

Somehow all those books, and seminars, and free YouTube videos worked for me. I've somehow created a stress-free life in this crazy, stressful world.

And I want to share all of it with everyone who suffers the way I did.

And that's exactly what I'm doing. Visit my blog for more funnies, stories, and tips on creating and maintaining a happy life.

Hey, thank you for giving me a few of your precious minutes. I'm honored you are here with me.

Until next time...

And, join my free Facebook group:


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