What the Picture Says---Deep Stuff
Nov 12, 2023
What Makes You Happy?
And, even though this makes me VERY happy, I'm not talking about a nice hot bath after a long hard day kind of happy. Or an evening of drinking and eating too much with your friends kind of happy (because, most of the time, guilt and regret follows that experience).
Happiness is often confused with contentment, or survival. If we really dig deep, we'll realize that while we may be somewhat content... there's this piece in us that isn't being fully realized... or even heard.
I'm talking about what makes your soul sing. Your deep passions.
And this isn't necessarily what your heart desires.... sometimes what your heart desires can be a smidge different than what makes your soul sing.
For example, maybe you think your heart desires a piece of that amazing homemade, still warm from the oven, coconut cake that your Aunt Girlie made (true story... my Aunt Girlie made the BEST homemade coconut cake), but what makes your soul sing is a healthy, vibrant, energetic body.
Your soul is your highest, best self. And it's hard to distinguish the difference between what truly makes your soul happy and all the other stuff.
But not really.
Our soul is our highest self. It truly wants what is best for us.
Our soul wants us to know our limits.
Sure, one piece of Aunt Girlie's cake is ok... if you haven't already had two plates full of grandma's turkey and dressing and three pieces of Aunt Joyce's spinach pie. 😲
PS. Can you tell I was born in Nashville?? 😁
That damn voice in the back of your mind saying you really shouldn't have another cookie, or another martini, or another date with that asshole...
That's your soul, my friend.
The voice that says, "Go ahead, he's cute", or "That cake smells so good, though"... that's just plain ole self-sabotage.
The souls knows best.
Your soul is that voice that says you should be painting, or volunteering, or quilting, sewing, writing, teaching, doing something that helps others...
So really and truly what makes your soul happy... or what do you feel would make your soul happy?
This is deep stuff.
You have to cut through the layers of your damn mind/self-sabotage/ego... to dig deep and truly feel what your soulful passions are.
It's a lot.
After you think about all that... and it's always best to write these things down...
The next question is can you commit to only doing 2% more tomorrow than you did today---to move towards your soul's desire.
2% difference in mindset (eliminating fears and doubts) and action truly makes a difference at the end of the day, week or month.
Can you give 2% to obtain your soul's desire?
I know... freakin deep stuff.
Hey, thanks for giving me a few of your precious moments.
And aways remember...
Dream big... believe bigger. 💖
Until next time...
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